Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Project Three: Model

The solid areas are the gates where the workshop/entry is.

The folding of the King Street corner revealing bays and gates of entry/workshop space

The impact of the graffiti wall

The expression of moving through the lane, between the graffiti wall and the weightless space

The corner where the existing lane turns as part of the gallery lane. Clearly visible is one of the panel entry/backboard of the entry/workshop space. The existing lane and the workshop are connected in the debris that exists in both (the debris in the workshop is the material used)

The existing lane

The folding, weightless corner into the lane from King Street

The framed window into the gallery. The wall folds into the adjacent lane

Looking down King Street to Enmore Road. The cantilever connects and blends with the adjacent buildings to resolve the corner well.

Looking up from the Enmore Road intersection. The graffiti wall is a billboard, addressing the road exposure of the wall and the need for very large scale to grab attention from afar. It is also reflecting on the 'I have a dream' mural on the opposite wall

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